disc.font,8 «ac»«» «c4»- ------------- -«» «c1»Muffling Around«» «c4»- ------------- -«» «»«as» «c2»And there is Zito. Standing on the tram station, with the headphones around his neck sending noisy beats from one ear to the other and a back- pack between his legs, waiting for a waggon to transport his tired body to the place where he is working. He put the portable cd-player in the pocket of his shorts in the morning knowing that the weather of the coming day will beat the days before and that he will have to change his clothes in the evening although he wear them the first time today. In short: It will be hot, even with the air-conditioning at work.«» The CD plays a new record from TRSI Records with tunes by a scenish artist called Muffler and the mood of Zito is getting worse with every minute. He liked Muffler`s demotunes, so he bought his debut album directly after it was out at the stores but he got more than disappointed.While Muffler`s modules where full of ideas and inspiration, although or better because they were depressive, the CD tracks became only monotone pieces of boredom. Filled with anger Zito plans to write a critic in one of the next coming diskmags. But remembering the last night he notices that he read about someone who already has written one. Tonight it has been released in Devotion, the new star on the diskmag sky. Fresh and innovative. Hopefully a star the scene will be able to see more often than one time only.«» «» Because the tram arrived at the final station, Zito takes off and makes his way to the last house in the only road the next miles. And while he is walking he reminds on Phoenix by Giants. A nice FASTRAM-diskmag which was released two times only and for which he became co-editor right before its death long ago.«» `Ah!` a silent voice speaks to the man who is happy that he finally entered the house where a cool breeze surounds him. `You still have to visit the website of Bjorn Lynne to look if there is another demosong for the sequel record of "Wolves Of The Gods"! And you have to visit your competitor back2roots.org to download a file you are still missing. Than you have to visit the project you are supporting called "AmiSectorOne" (sorry for this small commercial break right here! http://amiga.emucamp.org) to upload your new reviews. And...` Zito shuts up the voice and enters the bureau of his boss, the man with the fat wart on his neck, to make some things going the right way for the next week.«» «» Entering the net for journalistic research, Zito remembers the time when there was no !nternet for the public available. Also the amiga was without it. Amiga and !nternet where in any way always two things those could not come together in Zito`s mind. In "The Investore`s Club" or at the local public library he often visited the net for information research and e-mailing with friends by using some x86 PeeCees, but Amiga and scene were always reachable for him by snail-mail only. That was what the scene stood for in his eyes. But today he is clicking his way through the pages of the WWW regulary when he had to work instead. Actually. He enters the world of scene a quite different way. And an easier one also.«» To get into the scene these days isn`t that hard anymore as it was in its and his earlier lifetime. Then it was even a ritual to become a member, but today you only need to say you were a scener and you `are` one. And the scene is shrinking though. Is this caused by its liberality or is the scene still too close for newcomers? Zito doesn`t think so, although he is a friend- shipper and really no elite guy. His mind is flying and his fingers are typing a new ftp-address to leech some files and suddenly the computer specialist enters the room, asking for the last month`s phone bill...«» «» Some time after the lunch break Zito`s thoughts are still rotating around the stuff he should better think about in his sparetime, but he can not avoid them. He remembers his first touch with the Amiga computer. Of course he was as nearly every scener a gamer at first. But infected by his prefered music (movie scores) he directly saw (or better heard) more in the games he was playing through the nights, then only normal games. While enjoying the paramount "Futur Wars" and legendary games like "Turrican" and "Apidya" he started to become a fan of computer music. Especially the music composed by Chris Hülsbeck at first. `These were great times!`, he is thinking `Full of creativity and spirit. That was what the Amiga meant to be!` And remembering the early nineties this way there comes a question to his mind... `And today`s music?` Although Zito isn`t against breakbeat and techno music, it seems there are too much bases and drums only around, too less sweet melodies. Where have all the good musicans gone? Left for PeeCee? Can`t be as he heard. Or why is there not as much creative spirit left as before? Maybe it is just a kind of taste? Or Zito has simply missed the train to the next century? Maybe...«» It became already late and the time passed fastly by thinking and surfing, so Zito resets the computers and snapps at his backpack. `Time isn`t money but precious`, so he hurries up to get home as fast as possible.«» «» `And today`s games? Are there actually new & good games released these days?` Zito is nearly crying inside his head while he is watching for the next tram. `I need to stop thinking right here` he commands himself. He jumps on the waggon which has stopped in front of him and while the sun is setting, he is driving the last tram the wrong direction. Too many thoughts...«» «» Zito returned home late because the tram had also electricity problems caused by the hot weather. The whole day felt like a day after a worldwar. And not being capable of making any conclusion about it, he went to bed and felt asleep one second after.«» «» «c4» Zito, now sleeping for a while...«» «» «e»